Single frame cartoon showing a character labelled Displacement being held hostage by another labelled Amazon, a third, labeled Me is calling for help.

At the Mercy of Amazon (And Hating It)

I was really excited to share Displacement with all of you yesterday, and then …nobody got it. To the best of my knowledge not one person who pre-ordered it on Amazon (or elsewhere) actually received their order. Canadians who pre-ordered got a shipping “update” telling them it’ll be 4-6 weeks. The link from disappeared, to be replaced by a link to buy it from Book Depository for the completely absurd price of $37 US (DO NOT BUY THIS, I won’t even link to it. The list price is $25.95.)

So, if you can, order it through your local bookstores, through Indiebound, through Barnes and Noble, or straight from Prospective Press. And then comment here and let me know what worked for you. If an indie bookstore takes your order, let me know how that goes and I’ll post it up here to let the world know they can order from there.

I’m pretty frustrated and upset about all this, if I’m being quite honest. Some days you have to wonder what the point is.